Careers | Tips & Insights


Adaptability: How to build the most in-demand skill of 2024

Explore strategies to master adaptability at work. Learn how to embrace change, boost your resilience, and enhance your career growth for long-term success.
By Cecily Alston
Updated: 2 May 2024
8 min read
A team of product designers adjusting project plans on a glass wall with sticky notes, demonstrating collaboration, learning agility, and adaptability skills in the workplace.

Adaptability in the workplace: Why it’s so important

If you're contemplating a career shift or striving to advance in your current role, it's wise to refresh your CV and enhance your skills to stand out to potential employers. In a challenging job market, one skill surpasses all in demand: adaptability. Here's why it's crucial and how you can master it.

Building resilience for career growth

The modern career landscape, disrupted by new technologies, a turbulent economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, demands a degree of adaptability from everyone in the workforce. Amid these changes, job security has become more precarious. Industries across the board have experienced layoffs and the tightening of hiring budgets has intensified competition for fewer available positions. So, what skills make you stand out in this crowded market?

While trends point towards technical skills like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, cyber-security, and augmented reality as key assets, it's actually a non-technical skill that's most sought after today. The recent Job Skills Report 2024 by Coursera, highlights adaptability, particularly adaptive leadership, as the most in-demand skill, followed closely by data visualisation for business intelligence, product design for customer success, e-commerce, system security and digital marketing.

In one meta-analysis that looked at a multiple case studies, agility emerged as the foremost indicator of a leader's performance and future potential. Adaptive leaders and employees are seen as major assets to companies as they can efficiently manage unexpected changes and challenges with ease.

By building adaptability, you not only enhance your resilience, managing stressful situations better, becoming a more effective leader but also thrive through uncertainty – this will distinguish successful leaders and create less stressed, more productive teams. No matter your role or experience, adaptability is not just a professional asset; it's a vital life skill.


What is adaptability?

Adaptability is a skill which when developed allows individuals to respond well to change, embrace new challenges, and adjust strategies without significant disruption. It has been described as a ‘meta-skill’ – learning how to learn and how to respond positively in challenging situations.

Key attributes of adaptability

  • Flexibility: Pivoting plans without stress, like shifting project priorities without losing momentum.
  • Learning agility: Quickly learning from experiences and integrating new information smoothly into daily operations.
  • Resilience: Maintaining motivation and bouncing back swiftly from setbacks.
  • Problem-solving: Addressing challenges with new ideas, especially in uncertain scenarios.
  • Emotional self-regulation: Managing emotional responses effectively. Being aware of what triggers certain emotions and responding to situations in a productive way. This ability has been described as “Deliberate Calm”, an approach that enables leaders to respond well in high-stakes situations.
  • Receptiveness to feedback: Using feedback to positively adapt and refine approaches.

Practical examples

  • Remote work transition: Seamlessly moving from an in-office environment to a remote setup shows adaptability.
  • Embracing new technologies: Quickly mastering tools like CRM software to enhance customer engagement.
  • Project management adjustments: Effectively handling changes in project scope to ensure deliverables remain on track.
  • Responding to change in team dynamics: Embracing a new role and responsibilities in response to major organisational restructuring.


How to build your adaptability

Develop your adaptability through these practical strategies, designed to push your boundaries and enhance your learning:

Expand your comfort zone

Take on roles or projects outside your typical scope to gain new skills. Each new experience builds your adaptability by forcing you to navigate new environments and problem-solve on the fly.

Be curious

Set a goal to learn something new each week and speak to colleagues from different departments to gain diverse perspectives. For instance, if you work in marketing, you could ask a product developer, "What emerging technology could revolutionise our industry?". This exposes you to different perspectives and deepens your industry knowledge.

Embrace failure

Take note of projects or tasks that didn't go as planned, understand what you learned from each. This exercise encourages a healthy view of setbacks and can inspire innovative approaches to future challenges.

Adopt an growth mindset

View changes in projects as opportunities to innovate or optimise. When a project deviates from its plan, instead of focusing on the negatives, brainstorm the potential benefits. For example, if a product launch is delayed, consider this extra time as an opportunity to conduct more thorough market research or refine the product based on tester feedback.

Leverage resources creatively

In situations of resource scarcity, employ skill swaps as a strategic solution. Picture a scenario where your department faces budget cuts. Instead of outsourcing tasks, initiate a skill-swap initiative within your team or extended network.

Focus on ability not experience

Join or lead projects based on your ability to learn and adapt, not just your past experience. This demonstrates faith in your skills and helps you grow more comfortable with uncertainty and unpredictability.

Continuously learn and adapt

Take online courses that challenge your current way of thinking or introduce you to new technologies. For example, if you’re in marketing, taking a course on data analytics and consumer behaviour could be transformative. Understanding how interpret data effectively will keep you adaptable to shifts in market trends and consumer preferences.

Develop emotional resilience

Implement a daily routine that includes mindfulness or meditation to better manage stress. Emotional resilience stems from regular self-care, enabling you to stay calm and focused in changing environments.


Embracing change – For those who find it tough

Change, even when beneficial, can evoke feelings of fear, uncertainty, and discomfort. With the right strategies, you can transform change from a source of stress into an opportunity for growth. Here are some tips to help you embrace change:

Take small steps to form new habits

Embrace the idea of incremental change to make the transition feel less overwhelming. As James Clear points out in "Atomic Habits", small improvements can accumulate into significant results over time. Start with minor, manageable adjustments that gradually integrate into the larger change you’re facing. For instance, if adapting to a new role at work, focus on mastering one task at a time rather than overwhelming yourself with everything at once.

“Success is the product of daily habits — not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” – James Clear, Atomic Habits.

Understand the benefits of change

People often resist change because they don’t see its value or fear the unknown. It’s natural to feel hesitant about change if you don’t see its benefits. Make an effort to clearly understand how being adaptable can lead to personal and professional growth. Reflect on past experiences where adapting brought positive outcomes. This will help reduce your fears and build your confidence in facing new challenges.

Build a support network

Change feels easier to handle when you’re not facing it alone. Speak to colleagues or others in your network to share your concerns and learn from the experiences of others. This sense of community can significantly lessen the anxiety associated with change – the more you know, the better prepared you will be.

Incorporate routine into the new

Integrating new habits into your existing routines can make changes feel more natural and less disruptive. Practice the new activities daily, allowing them to become part of your routine gradually. Consistency is more effective than extensive planning and helps in forming new habits without feeling overwhelmed.


How to demonstrate adaptability in an interview

Demonstrating adaptability in an interview can set you apart as a valuable candidate who is prepared to handle various challenges and changes in the workplace. Here are some practical tips and sample questions on how to showcase this skill effectively during an interview:

Use examples that highlight your flexibility

Master your interview skills to gain an advantage and use past experiences to highlight your flexibility. For example, you might talk about a time when you had to adjust to a sudden project change or a new team dynamic. Be sure to emphasise the steps you took to adapt and the positive outcomes that resulted from your actions. This could include how you learned new skills quickly, changed your work strategy, or even led your team through a transition. Here are a few typical questions to prepare for:

  • Tell me about a time when a project didn’t go as expected. How did you overcome this problem?
  • How do you react to changes in the workplace?
  • Describe how you work with teammates who have different work styles than you.

Demonstrating a growth-mindset

Show that you are always eager to learn new things and open to feedback. You might discuss how you’ve actively sought out new training opportunities, responded constructively to feedback, or adapted your approach based on new information.


Adaptability in teams

Creating a team environment that values adaptability involves implementing agile methodologies, promoting open communication, and encouraging continuous learning. Let's delve deeper into how teams can improve their adaptability.

Agile methodologies

One of the most effective ways to improve flexibility in project management is by embracing agile methodologies such as Scrum, or Kanban. These frameworks allow teams to break projects into smaller, manageable tasks and iterate rapidly. By working in short cycles or sprints, teams can continuously evaluate progress, gather feedback, and adjust as needed.

Open communication tools

Tools like Slack or Notion ensure that information flows freely, keeping everyone aligned in real-time. Team members can share updates, collaborate on tasks, and seek assistance when needed. By breaking down silos team members feel empowered to voice their ideas, concerns, and suggestions openly.

Continuous learning and development

Being an effective leader means encouraging team members to acquire new skills and explore new approaches to remain agile. This could involve organising regular training sessions, providing access to online learning platforms, or facilitating knowledge sharing among team members.

Cross-functional collaboration

Adaptability thrives in environments where diverse perspectives and expertise converge. Encourage teams to utilise the collective intelligence and skills of the wider organisation to solve complex problems and adapt to evolving requirements.

Leadership support and empowerment

Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone and empowering team members to take ownership of their work. By providing clear direction, removing obstacles, and creating a safe environment, leaders enable teams to embrace change with confidence. Leaders who lead by example, demonstrate vulnerability, and encourage risk-taking, inspiring team members to stretch beyond their comfort zones.


Looking to the future

As the pace of change accelerates, adaptability becomes more than a skill — it’s fundamental aspect of professional success. Companies and individuals that prioritise adaptability will not only survive but prosper in the face of future challenges.

Now, armed with these strategies you can enhance your resilience and navigate change like a pro for long-term career success!